Scars from acne or chicken pox are hard to get rid of. Many therapies have been developed to treat such scars; however, none has been as successful as newly developed micro needling. Only in 1995, the idea came into existence; Orentreich et al described subcision or dermal needling for scars. Camirand and Doucet further pushed the treatment in 1997. In their procedure, dermabrasion was done using a tattoo pistol to treat scars. The therapy achieved its full potential in 2006, when Fernandes developed percutaneous collagen induction therapy.
The procedure, being simple, can be done at home. However, dermatologists advice against it, as there is risk of infection and scarring.
Devices used for Micro-needling
In the procedure, the skin is punctured using fine needles; those needles can either be on a roller, which has wheels of needles, or pens, having a cluster of needles at the tip. The models used by doctors may vary; it can be motorized, which allows control of the needle depth. There are other models, which uses micro-needles, as well as radio-frequency energy. The radio- frequency is used to produce heat, which according to some publications helps grow collagen. However, radio-frequency procedure is quite expensive than micro-needle treatment alone.
How treatment works
The injury-very minute-inflicted by needles stimulates the growth of collagen, a protein, which acts as the scaffolding under the skin. The treatment ingeniously uses deliberate injury to collagen to treat scar, which improves its appearance. The technique is more effective for sunken areas caused by acne. However, more deep or narrow scars the procedure does not work. With four to six treatments, you can have 60% to 70% improvement in the broad acne scars. The procedure is also effective in smoothing wrinkles around the eyes and on upper-lip.
Cost and immediate effects of treatment
The costs of treatment vary from $250 to $1,000 based on the dermatologist or a medical-grade device. The procedure may lead to light bleeding. A patient's face may look pink and puffy after the therapy. It is suggested to patients to put ice on the treatment area after the therapy. The patient recuperates a lot faster than other skin-beautification procedure, such as laser resurfacing, which may take a week or more. It takes only a day or two, if you had a procedure on Friday, you can be presentable, even having makeup, on Sunday.
Precautions to be followed if done at home
Rollers of different models are readily available online, which cost from $20 to $125. It is recommended by dermatologists to consult physicians before doing procedure at home. Also, use needles shorter than a quarter-to-a-half millimeter, since longer needles increase the risk of infection or scarring and hurt more.
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